Review: Body Swap

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was a real treat. It's a comedic contemporary with a heartfelt emotional relationship between an elderly woman and a teenager. It has some great lessons in humility, respecting the elderly, the positives and negatives of technology and even crossing racial divides. I highly recommend this novel for a good emotional read!
Hallie is completely nervous. The guy she has been crushing on is at the mall. She and her friend Addy just arrived and she's discover a huge zit on her forehead. All she can think about is finding out what Khael said about her while texting her friend when she gets hit by a car in the parking deck and dies. She finds herself at a wonderful carnival and Eli leads her to the rollercoaster. She knows once she rides this there is no coming back and she's never even been kissed! She says she doesn't want to ride alone and waits.
Susan appears along side Hallie to ride the rollercoaster and she's excited. She notices the girls next to her is the one she accidentally hit with her new car. Eli ushers them towards the ride and Hallie protests. Susan explains the problem with the Hurricane vehicle's accelerator sticking and that many more people will die unless the problem is fixed. Eli considers this and tells them they can go back but they have to prove this and convince the dealership to fix the problem. But who is going to believe a little old lady and not assume she's lost her mind or got the pedals confused?
They go back in time to just as the accident happens only this time they don't die and the are in each other's bodies! This is not what Hallie had in mind but Susan is enjoying the perks of youth again. Susan (in Hallie's young mid-teen beautiful black body) convinces Addy that she is okay and Hallie (in Susan's over eighty wrinkled white body) offers to buy her a new phone, with Susan's credit card. This is where everything gets hilarious. They wind up having several mishaps but wind up with two cell phones and go to lunch. Eli appears as their waitress and announces they only have a few days left to prove the vehicle's issue. How can they prove the vehicle is faulty in such a short amount of time? Will they swap bodies back or go back to the carnival in the sky after this is over?
Thank you to Edelweiss, Dundurn, and Ingram Publishing Services for an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.
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