Review: Robin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book will be released on May 15, 2018.
When I got approved for an advanced copy I was ecstatic. I was also nervous that maybe the author won't do the man justice but that thankfully was not the case. This book is so thoroughly researched with a lot of cooperation from his family and friends. The author doesn't judge or take jabs at Robin but lays out the facts and lets you form your own opinions without being pushy.
It would be an understatement to say I got lost in this book. It was as engrossing as watching Robin perform. Robin Williams was not a perfect man. He had doubt and insecurities and health problems. He was upfront about his many addictions and got help. He was sober when he passed away by his own hand. He had an undiagnosed brain disease that may have caused him to take his own life without ever knowing he was doing so. Again my heart broke all over again.
Robin Williams was disputably the funniest man in the world. He could make anyone laugh and was so beloved but he didn't know how much. Since he wasn't a typical model type movie star he was very insecure and didn't see what the rest of the world saw, a comic genius that could make your heart swell and bring happy tears to your eyes. No one will ever be close to the stand up genius of comedy that he was. He had a magical way about him that as soon as you saw his face you smiled because you knew whatever he was about to do was going to be great.
I loved reading about how great of a dad and friend he always was and even though I knew he dies at the end of this, I kept hoping it wouldn't happen. Robin made a difference in so many people's lives and I just wish he knew every person's heart he touched. He has kind of a Van Gogh quality to him. Though Van Gogh never saw that he was beloved because his art wasn't famous til much later, he suffered through life the same way Robin did. It just makes you ache.
This book is about Robin the man and I learned so much about his life I never knew. I would say this is going to be the best biography about Robin Williams that you will find. This author knew what he was doing. It's written so you are drawn in by Robin and you never want it to end.
Thank you to Henry Holt & Company and NetGalley for giving me and ARC of this book for a fair and honest review.
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I loved this review. I grew up with Robin Williams and his many roles so it was with great sadness that I learned of his passing. I look forward to reading this story of his life.