Holy crap! If you haven't read this book do it now! SAO mixed with Willy Wonka in a dystopian world where only 80's media & gaming culture are everyone's obsession.
Robin by Dave Itzkoff My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book will be released on May 15, 2018. When I got approved for an advanced copy I was ecstatic. I was also nervous that maybe the author won't do the man justice but that thankfully was not the case. This book is so thoroughly researched with a lot of cooperation from his family and friends. The author doesn't judge or take jabs at Robin but lays out the facts and lets you form your own opinions without being pushy. It would be an understatement to say I got lost in this book. It was as engrossing as watching Robin perform. Robin Williams was not a perfect man. He had doubt and insecurities and health problems. He was upfront about his many addictions and got help. He was sober when he passed away by his own hand. He had an undiagnosed brain disease that may have caused him to take his own life without ever knowing he was doing so. Again my heart broke all over again. Robin Williams was dispu...
Coraline by Neil Gaiman My rating: 4 of 5 stars If I had read this, even at nine (the youngest recommended age), I would have had nightmares for days. This book is extra creepy and dark. The squirmy feeling it gave me reminded me of when I read Clive Barker's 'The Thief of Always' for the first time. Coraline has just moved to a giant old house made up of several flats. The downstairs neighbors are two elderly women who used to be performers. The man upstairs seems a little crazy, talking about acrobatic musical mice. Coraline's parents don't pay her much attention as they work constantly at their computers. She decides to go exploring and finds something that wanted her to find it. Something that seems too good to be true. View all my reviews
Body Swap by Sylvia McNicoll My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book was a real treat. It's a comedic contemporary with a heartfelt emotional relationship between an elderly woman and a teenager. It has some great lessons in humility, respecting the elderly, the positives and negatives of technology and even crossing racial divides. I highly recommend this novel for a good emotional read! Hallie is completely nervous. The guy she has been crushing on is at the mall. She and her friend Addy just arrived and she's discover a huge zit on her forehead. All she can think about is finding out what Khael said about her while texting her friend when she gets hit by a car in the parking deck and dies. She finds herself at a wonderful carnival and Eli leads her to the rollercoaster. She knows once she rides this there is no coming back and she's never even been kissed! She says she doesn't want to ride alone and waits. Susan appears along side Hallie...
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