Review: The Emerald Circus

The Emerald Circus The Emerald Circus by Jane Yolen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was stuck between 3.5/4 stars so this is getting an odd 3.75 stars.

This is an anthology of stories that you may be familiar with. They are twisted fairy tales and stories based on real people like Queen Victoria. The characters appear multiple times throughout different stories with Alice appearing the most.
Dorothy and Alice share multiple instances including the twisted circus Dorothy gets transported to instead of the magical land of Oz and a different story where they share stories over tea.

I was expecting this to wow me and I do think the cover is gorgeous but it was under whelming in the end. A good 2/3 of the stories I really enjoyed but that last 1/3 was boring. The ones I did like stuck with me though. Some of the poems were okay but I didn't care for most.

The stories or people Yolen touches on that I remember are:
Beauty and the Beast
The Snow Queen
Alice in Wonderland
The Wizard of Oz
Peter Pan
Queen Victoria
The Raven
King Arthur
Robin Hood

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of the ebook for a fair and honest review.

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