Review: The Night Circus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is entrancing. This book is about and full of magic! It builds up so much anticipation you don't know what to do with yourself. There are some slow moments but overall it's a fantastic read. The romance isn't a focus here but a side note with the competition being the overall theme.
Hector or Prospero, purportedly a magician who is really a wizard in the 1800s finds himself stuck with his 6 year old daughter Celia when her mother kills herself. He invites another wizard, Alexander, to his performance and asks him if he wants to "play the game". Celia is a natural born with magic and her father seizes that opportunity and she becomes his competitor. Alexander reluctantly agrees and goes off to find his competitor, Marco. Neither competitor knows about each other but they work together, sometimes side by side. The night circus is all magic unbeknownst to the humans attending. The competition is a beautiful dance and the circus must go on.
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