Review: The Pirate Bride

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read this book immediately following The Mayflower Bride since it is a series but they can be read as standalones. Maribel is the great granddaughter of Mary but that's the only real mention from the first book. This is a Christian/Young Adult/Historical Fiction book and I really enjoyed it. In fact I flew through it and liked it more than the first of the series. Thank you for not having that preachy feel with this book.
Maribel is 12 when she loses her mom and grandfather and is forced to cross the sea to join her father. When privateers attack and her father is also killed she is left joining the crew to survive. She is fierce and passionate while still being innocent. I admired her bravery and strength to stick to her beliefs.
Jean-Luc is surprised with how quickly the little redheaded Maribel has captured the hearts of his crew and does his best to get them safely across the high seas. He in turn gets separated from Maribel and has to try to leave his past to get on with his life.
Maribel travels to New Orleans trying to find the man who holds the location of her father's wealth and property surprised to be reunited with Jean-Luc and sharing another adventure together as an older young woman this time.
I received this book from Barbour publishing and NetGalley in exchange for my fair and honest review.
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