Review: Stealing Snow

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This story was cute but it had flaws along with the cuteness. The world building was really great but the characters needed some more oomph. This is a retelling of The Snow Queen but with a modern twist. I did enjoy the book so I will probably read the next one when it comes out next year.
Snow was put in a mental institution eleven years ago when she and her friend tried to walk through a mirror and in the process shattered it leaving them both scarred for life. I don't know if that qualifies for such a long stay in a mental institution but yeah. One night her friend Bale gets spirited away and she is told to go through a portal to save him. When she enters the portal it is a land of eternal winter and she is their long lost princess. In the process of trying and failing to avoid the King, she winds up with three love interests which got frustrating. Make up your mind Snow! The twists are pretty good and I liked the magic but it wasn't the best retelling I've ever read or the worst. 3 stars.
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