Review: Blind

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This YA contemporary was fantasic! I couldn't put it down. The author wrote it in such a way that I didn't want to put it down because I needed to know what happened next. I loved Emma's character and her siblings, especially her twin older sisters. I really felt like I was walking next to Emma as she went through everything.
Emma has been is an accident and lost her sight. After spending a year at the braile school learning to live all over again, she returns to her regular high school. She knew everything would change and things would be different she just didnt realize how much. Right before school starts back a girl from her grade washed up dead locally. Emma finds herself consumed with trying to figure out why the girl's death was considered accidental. Did she actually kill herself? Did someone else kill her? Did she trip and drown? The author really portrayed the difficulties with the things we deem simple or take for granted from a blind person's pov.
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