Review: The Invasion of the Tearling

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I loved how this book scaled up the story from the first book instead of having middle book syndrome. There is some romance but it's hardly there.
Kelsea has become a beloved Queen and has inevitably crossed the Red Queen. She wants nothing more than to destroy Kelsea and steal her sapphires for herself for their magical properties. While Kelsea is a good queen and uses her magic with good intentions, the Red Queen deals in blood magic. Very dark and grim stuff. Now she wants war.
Kelsea continues to have visions only now she has figured out that they are about a girl named Lily from pre-conceived America. She has a hard life even though she has married well by society's standards. Her husband is cruel and abusive and things only seem to get worse for Lily.
Kelsea already has enough to worry about but the High Priest has it out for her too. He is vile and I kept waiting for his character to die off. Sounds awful but it's so true. I love how Kelsea manages to deal with conflict and stay true to herself.
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