Review: This Savage Song

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book wasn't what I expected in a good way. The monsters are super creepy and this book is about relationships but not romance! I am not saying I don't enjoy romance in books because I do but it was refreshing that this book didn't include it. The setting had a very Romeo and Juliet feel with the feuding and battles but obviously that's really the only thing they have in common.
This book takes place in a dark and gritty town where humans commit violence and create monsters of various sorts. August is a rare monster who lures people with his beautiful violin music and feeds on their souls. Kate is the daughter of a crime boss and when the two meet they must decide if they are friends or enemies. August was my favorite of the two and I'm not sure if it's because of everything he deals with or if I just didn't care as much for Kate but I am so glad I had the sequel to read immediately after this one.
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